We are who we think we are
…so who do you think you are?
Hi, I'm Carlos F Palacios
It’s hard to describe using words alone exactly what I do.
I like to think I ‘bring the magic’
I’m the guy you call when you need an instigator, someone to get the creative juices flowing and help turn your ideas into reality.

I’m a connector
a connector of people
a connector of places
a connector of ideas
a connector of dreams and reality
I have never been a person who thinks in black in white. I think in technicolor.
Maybe you have an idea for a project but it feels too big and you need some help to make your grand ideas a reality?
Or maybe your small business has the potential to take over the world, but that secretly terrifies you and you don’t even know where to begin.
Well, that’s where I come in…
Let's Talk
Got a project or an idea you think we could work together on? Let’s have a coffee.